
Gunman Fires 33 Shots on NYC Subway Train

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Police and first responders were called to a bloody scene at the 36th Street MTA subway station in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, on Tuesday morning at around 8:30 am.

Investigators are searching for a person of interest, Frank James, who allegedly threw two smoke canisters on the floor of a crowded Manhattan-bound “N” train, and subsequently opened fire during the morning rush hour, injuring ten people, Five people were critically injured and have been stabilized, according to a fire department official.

Police office say they found a U-Haul key on the train, and later located a U-Haul van at West 3rd Street and Kings Highway in Brooklyn. The van may be connected to the suspect, James, 62. The van was rented in Philadelphia and has Arizona license plates. A Glock 9-millimeter handgun was also found on the train. Investigators found the gun, three magazines, gasoline, a hatchet, four smoke grenades and a bag of fireworks. Police said the gun was not stolen

A witness that was sitting next to the alleged shooter on the train watched the man detonate a “smoke bomb” before firing shots just seconds after the train left the station. He gave an interview on FaceTime to CNN reporters from his hospital bed.

The public is encouraged to come forward and call NYPD Crime Stoppers with any information, including videos. A photo of the suspect, obtained from a witness’s cell phone video, has been released, and a $50,000 reward has been offered for any clues leading to the arrest of the shooter.

New York City Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell stated in a press conference that the shooter wore an orange construction vest and put on a gas mask before releasing the two smoke canisters on the subway train, which was waiting to enter the 36 Street station. Thirty-three shots were reportedly fired.

At least 13 other people were reportedly injured from smoke inhalation or falls while running away from the scene.

A camera at the station was inspected but due to a malfunction, failed to capture footage of the shooting.

It has been reported that the alleged suspect posted a barrage of comments online expressing his anger with Mayor Eric Adams and the mental health system. The NYPD said they are increasing security for Mayor Adams after police discovered the social media comments and videos.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said that he would increase police presence on the subway, and that the increase in violence in our society is a problem that needs to be addressed by our lawmakers.

Anyone with information, video or photos related to the incident should call 800-577-TIPS.


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