
Duck Sauce Killer’s Apartment Shocks Cops

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If we didn’t hear enough about the sad story about the Chinese food deliveryman, Zhiwen Yan, murdered in Queens, NY by an eccentric Queens resident, Glenn Hirsch, who ended up killing himself, now we get to see all the “stuff” that was found in Hirsch’s Queens apartment.

Hirsch killed himself earlier this month instead of facing a court hearing appearance, after he had been out on $500,000 bail. There was ample evidence to prove that he shot Yan, a father of three children, in the chest while Yan was delivering Chinese restaurant orders on his scooter. 

There were several incidents of harassment by Hirsch in connection with the Chinese restaurant and its workers, including the slain deliveryman. 

Hirsch was named the “the Duck Sauce Killer” because he got into an altercation with the owner of the restaurant after he demanded more packages of the artificial, sweet and sour sauce that customers love on their egg rolls.

Photographs and videos on social media show cardboard boxes in Hirsch’s apartment, piled to the ceiling. His entire refrigerator was ironically packed with duck sauce, and entire rooms in his apartment showed signs of hoarding other junk, including large garbage bags full of whatever and boxes with tons of papers.

Hirsch’s wife, Dorothy, 62, whom he was separated from, in a separate case, was previously arrested after police found weapons wrapped in aluminum foil stashed inside a closet in her apartment in New York City. Dorothy’s lawyer insists that Hirsch was allowed a closet in Dorothy’s apartment, where she claims he hid weapons without her knowledge. 

In a letter to the court, Dorothy’s attorney claims that the photos of Hirsch’s apartment are proof he was a hoarder, and show that his wife would have known nothing about the eight firearms in her home, because, “Glenn’s unique manner of hoarding and his exclusive use of a closet he had direct access to is critical to the ultimate question before the grand jury,” the letter said.

Shocking photos can be seen on social media and online.

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