
Monica Lewinsky Asks Beyoncé To Change Lyrics in Song “Partition”

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On Friday, singer Beyoncé  announced she will remove an ableist slur from her song “Heated,” which she collaborated on with Drake, on her new album “Renaissance,” after backlash and criticism from protesters that the word “spazzin” offends people with disabilities. 

Representatives for Beyoncé confirmed on Monday that the lyric would be removed, telling CNN in a statement that, “The word, not used intentionally in a harmful way, will be replaced.”

After the announcement of the word change, Monica Lewinsky got into the act and asked the singer to change the lyrics in her 2013 song “Partition,” that refer to her affair with former President Bill Clinton. 

Monica Lewinsky is famous for her affair with the president while he was in the White House and she was a 22-year-old intern. The relationship led to Clinton’s impeachment by the House of Representatives in 1998, although he was not convicted by the Senate.

The song, “Partition,” contains a detailed graphic and embarrassing reference to Lewinsky’s behavior in the Oval Office. 

“He Monica Lewinsky’d all on my gown,” Beyoncé sings in the song “Partition,” with other references to their affair.

Lewinsky, 49, wrote on Twitter, “uhmm, while we’re at it…. #Partition,” and “Thanks, Beyoncé, but if we’re verbing, I think you meant ‘Bill Clinton’d all on my gown,’ not ‘Monica Lewinsky’d.’”

It was Lewinsky’s second suggestion to Beyoncé that the lyrics be changed. She had also mentioned it in a 2014 Vanity Fair article about her story, her humiliation and her recovery.  

Twitter and social media are all over it. No comment from Beyoncé… yet.

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