
Trump Suggests the FBI Was Looking for Hillary Clinton’s Emails at Mar-a-Lago

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In yet another twist as to why FBI agents raided his home in Florida, former president Donald Trump suggested that the federal agents might have been looking for Hillary Clinton’s emails. Speaking in an interview to Sean Hannity of Fox News, the former president made wild, unhinged claims, including “declassification by thinking.

“There doesn’t have to be a process [in declassifying documents]… I declassified everything,” Trump said in the interview with Hannity on Wednesday, after  being asked if there was a process to declassify documents.

The FBI’s raid on Mar-a-Lago was unannounced, and it happened while Trump was in New Jersey. However, the FBI cover was blown when a worker called and informed Trump of the raid.

Bruce Reinhart, a Florida federal judge, authorized the Mar-a-Lago raid. According to Trump, Reinhart hates him and is a Clinton and Obama person, though Trump confirms that he does not think hatred was the reason for Reinhart’s authorization.

Trump stated that the FBI denied him legal presentation during the raid. He also clarified that he personally did not pack any boxes when leaving the White House. By convention, the General Services Administration’s (GSA) responsibility is to pack the president’s boxes and belongings as he exits the White House, as it so happened, the former president admitted.

Thousands of documents were obtained from the Mar-a-Lago raid, with more than 100 declared classified.

Hannity inquired: What did they take from you? Medical records, passports, tax records?  A 500-page attorney privilege document? What else? The former president agreed to all of this, while sarcastically inferring that they also took his will.

According to Trump, they are not sure what the FBI found because they did not allow Trump’s legal team to have a review of what was happening. Trump cited other reasons for the raid, such as Russia talk, whatever that means. 

In her response to the new “Hillary-Trump” saga, Hillary Clinton said it was absurd that Trump is still making this about her, terming it a “Clinton Standard.” 

“The fact is that I had zero emails that were classified,” her tweet read.

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