
Senator Ron Johnson’s Life-Size Poop Sculpture is Currently Touring Milwaukee

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Climate change has been an important topic, at least for most organizations and politicians, but for one politician, Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, his comments and opinion about the topic seem to be catching up with him sooner than many would have expected.

On Thursday, a group of climate activists from MoveOn and NextGen held events and toured the Milwaukee area with an 80-pound statue of the Senator’s image made out of dried cow manure.

Senator Johnson’s remarks don’t sit well with the activists. The Senator says climate change is “bs.”

Touring with the poop statue is the activists’ way of telling voters what they think of Johnson’s remarks.

During the events, the group urged people not to vote for Senator Johnson, but instead encouraged a vote for his closest rival, a Democrat, Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes, who is currently trailing him in the polls.

In solidarity with the team, the gross statue held a declaration made by Johnson last year that climate change is baloney. Throughout the tour, the statue was displayed holding a placard with Senator Johnson’s writings, “I don’t know about you, but I think climate change is bs.” 

“I don’t know your take about the climate, but for me, I think the whole thing is bs, as Lord Monckton, a climate change skeptic advocate would put it,” he specifically said. He was referring to a British climate change denier named Lord Christopher Monckton.

The remark was uttered at the Republican Women of Greater Wisconsin Luncheon in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. After the comments were made public, Senator Johnson released a statement saying, “I’ve been clear in my pronouncements. I do not deny climate change, but I also do not advocate extreme action. Climate changes are dynamic. It has changed and will continue to change forever.” 

Johnson has made it clear that he will act in the Senate on his belief that climate change isn’t urgent, contrary to the beliefs of activists, and scientists, who perceive it as extremely urgent.

The cow dung statue was made by “a manure craftsman” from Colorado. 

The groups stopped at the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, soliciting students’ promises to vote.

According to Sonja Chojnacki, Wisconsin’s NextGen PAC State director, young people are pumped up because they realize the seriousness of the climate situation and are eager for solutions. She said they are prepared to get everyone to vote by working hard. Senator Ron Johnson has to leave, she made clear.

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