
Man Falsely Accused of Arson Murder and Imprisoned for 30 Years, Dies Six Months After Release

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Claude Francis Garrett, 66, was imprisoned 30 years ago for a crime that he did not commit. He was released in May 2022 but was not able to enjoy his much-awaited freedom for long. He died peacefully in his sleep on October 30, not even six months after he was released.

In 1993, Garrett’s home, in Old Hickory, Tennessee, which he shared with his then girlfriend, Lorie Lee Lance, caught on fire. Being awakened from sleep, he tried to run out while calling Lance to the front door. Lance ran to the back part of the house. Garrett said that he called firefighters as soon as he got out. 

After extinguishing the fire, Lance’s body was found. It was said that she died from smoke inhalation. An investigation concluded that someone intentionally caused the fire. Officials found scorch patterns found at the scene that indicated arson. The clues pointed at Garrett as the suspect. Soon after, Garrett was convicted and imprisoned for the arson murder of his girlfriend not even a week after jury deliberation started. He was 35 years old at the time.

Garrett served his time at Riverbend Maximum Security Institution. After many years of unsuccessful appeals, on May 6, 2022, Davidson County Criminal Court Judge Monte Watkins finally declared that the arson evidence used against Garrett was junk science. 

A close friend, Liliana Segura, shared that Garrett “enjoyed his freedom” these past few months. “He savored every moment with his daughter Deana and especially with his grandson, whom he absolutely adored,” she added. 

Segura also said that Garrett wanted the state to take responsibility and properly compensate him for what he went through.

Garrett had always maintained he was innocent. In May, when the judge read the order releasing him, he exhaled a long breath, and nodded, relieved and thankful. 

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