
Hunter Biden Whistleblower Reveals Startling Details

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In a notable development, a second individual from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has become a whistleblower in the ongoing criminal investigation surrounding President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden.

Sources inside Congress, who wish to remain anonymous due to the sensitivity of the information, have hinted at a potential involvement of Hunter Biden in the IRS investigation. The first whistleblower, who courageously emerged in 2020, alleges he was subject to retaliation, including being ousted from the task force following his disclosures.

The second whistleblower, a seasoned professional specializing in international tax law and financial crimes at the IRS, was an integral part of the case since its inception in 2018. However, his abrupt removal last week has raised questions.

Both whistleblowers have persistently voiced concerns over the potential quiet dismissal of the case, which centers on allegations of Hunter Biden evading taxes on millions garnered from foreign affiliations.

Echoing these concerns, the head of the IRS investigative team is scheduled to present evidence before the House Ways and Means Committee. Their whistleblowing draws attention to potential favoritism and serious allegations of perjury leveled at Attorney General Merrick Garland during congressional hearings.

Recently disclosed documents hint at a contentious October meeting, after which investigators were allegedly sidelined from critical case discussions, sparking concerns about the case’s stagnation. The second whistleblower has expressed dissatisfaction over his removal, having taken a stand for what he believed was right.

Despite promises from the IRS commissioner about protecting legitimate whistleblowing, legal representatives of the whistleblowers contend that the IRS’s actions, including accusations of criminal behavior and stern warnings to other agents, appear to be intimidation tactics aimed at those voicing similar concerns.

Hunter Biden worked as an attorney and lobbyist before becoming involved in business ventures. He served on the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian natural gas company, from 2014 to 2019. His position on the board attracted scrutiny because it coincided with his father’s role as Vice President of the United States during the Obama administration, leading to allegations of conflicts of interest.

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