
Man Facing Eviction Dead in Police Shoot-Out

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On Wednesday, August 23, an extended standoff between a man facing eviction and law enforcement officials culminated in a fatal outcome in the Garfield neighborhood of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

The man, William “Bill” Hardison, 63, engaged in a gun battle with officers, shooting down police drones and prompting the evacuation of nearby residents.

Responders from the city’s emergency medical services declared Hardison dead shortly after 5 pm, ending the hours-long confrontation. The precise circumstances of his death remain undisclosed.

The incident began with the arrival of deputies at the residence to execute an eviction warrant. According to Allegheny County Sheriff Kevin Kraus, attempts to initiate dialogue with the occupant were met with sudden gunfire from inside the house upon contact at the door.

The ensuing exchange of gunfire compelled law enforcement to seek cover and retaliate.

While one deputy was initially believed to have been shot, it was later clarified that he had sustained a minor head injury while maneuvering for cover during the exchange of fire. The deputies, equipped with body armor, were caught off guard by the intensity of the engagement.

Witnesses reported hearing a barrage of shots starting around 11 am, followed by more gunfire as the hours progressed.

The joint response from various agencies, including SWAT, state and county law enforcement, the FBI, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, received praise from Police Chief Larry Scirotto. He stated that the collaborative effort safeguarded officers’ lives and the neighborhood.

Despite using drones to try and communicate and assess the situation inside the home; each drone dispatched was disabled by gunfire, Scirotto revealed.

The shooter had been given multiple opportunities to surrender peacefully, which contributed to the extended duration of the standoff.

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