
Video Released of Woman Who Gave Birth and Left Newborn in Bathroom

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Houston police released video footage of a woman who gave birth at a Shell Station on South Post Oak Road bathroom and abandoned the newborn, leading to its death on April 2 of this year. 

Subsequent to the video’s circulation, the woman was identified as Diana Guadalupe Zavala Lopez, 25. 

An employee cleaning the bathroom found the baby in the toilet at approximately 4:30 am and promptly alerted emergency services. However, by the time paramedics from the Houston Fire Department reached the scene, the full-term infant girl had passed away.

Following a thorough investigation, the police made public the video clip that captures Lopez arriving at the gas station in a white Cadillac. The video depicts her parking at a fuel pump and then proceeding into the station. Her face is distinctly seen as she enters the store before departing in the Cadillac with blood on her legs.

Officials state that Lopez spent roughly 15 minutes in the restroom and the infant was discovered about an hour afterward. Given the early hour on a Sunday, few individuals were present, reducing the likelihood of intervention.

Lopez was captured in Brownsville on Tuesday as she was trying to escape to Mexico, according to Houston police. She is charged with felony tampering with a human corpse.

Police say that Lopez admitted she gave birth in the toilet, didn’t try to rescue the newborn girl from the water, and left her to die.

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