
Toddler Dies at NYC Daycare From Fentanyl Exposure

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A harrowing incident occurred on September 16, 2022, when a 1-year-old boy, identified as Nicholas Dominici, tragically lost his life due to suspected opioid exposure at a daycare center located in the Bronx, New York City. Three other children also suffered from the effects of opioid exposure and required immediate medical attention.

The Bronx-based childcare facility where the incident took place was a licensed establishment that had recently passed inspections. The same report highlighted that two boys, both aged two, and an 8-month-old girl were the other victims hospitalized due to the exposure.

Upon the discovery of the unconscious children, emergency services promptly arrived at the scene. Responders were quick to administer Narcan, an opioid overdose antidote, to the affected children. The timely administration of this life-saving drug is credited with saving the lives of three out of the four affected children.

In the aftermath of this tragic incident, the police took into custody two individuals, Carlisto Acevedo Brito, aged 41, and Grei Mendez, aged 36. They were charged on multiple counts, including murder, manslaughter, assault, and drug possession.

Following a search of the daycare, known as Divino Nino, the police discovered drug packaging equipment. The recent rise in opioid-related incidents has become a grave concern in the Bronx. The incident has rekindled the conversation around child safety and the dangers of opioid exposure, particularly among the youngest members of society.

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