
Scheduled CBS2 Guest Murdered Before Airtime

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Chicago witnessed a tragic incident on the night of Monday, September 18, when Sierra Jamison, a 30-year-old Black woman, was strangled outside her home. This came soon after she had previously thwarted an attempted carjacking.

Lawrence Curtis Boyle, a 63-year-old man, is currently under arrest on the grounds of first-degree murder pertaining to Sierra’s death. Sierra and her family were familiar with Boyle, she had known him for 10 years and had recently started dating him.

The timing of this incident is particularly notable as Sierra was poised to share her perspectives on CBS2 about the escalating violence against Black women; her segment had not aired yet

While taping an interview with Dorothy Tucker, a journalist from CBS2, Sierra detailed her recent encounter with a carjacker. In the midst of this confrontation with an armed individual, vigilant onlookers stepped in, effectively preventing the carjacking. Sierra’s intention with this segment was to amplify the specific challenges faced by Black women in contemporary times.

Apart from her professional pursuits as a phlebotomist and her upcoming venture into nursing, Sierra held a pivotal role in her family. She was the main caretaker for her autistic six-year-old son, who had earlier undergone a major heart surgery.

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