Social Media: Meghan’s Nightmare for Lilibet and Archie

On October 10, 2023, Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, voiced her concerns at the Project Healthy Minds’ World Mental Health Day Festival in New York City. She revealed her reservations about her children—Archie Harrison, four, and daughter Lilibet Diana, two—navigating the world of social media in the future.

The Duchess pointed out that although her children are currently too young to explore online platforms, social media’s original intent of fostering community has taken a worrisome turn. It has morphed into a platform that could be detrimental to mental health. 

Meghan emphasized her role as a mother, stating it’s her utmost priority, second only to being Prince Harry’s wife.

Meghan, 42, shared her apprehensions about the rapidly changing nature of digital platforms. She feels “frightened” about the forthcoming impact of these platforms on the younger generation, highlighting the need for safer online environments for children.

Prince Harry, 39, echoed his wife’s concerns. He emphasized the importance of transforming pain into purpose. The Duke spotlighted their joint venture, the Archewell Foundation, founded in 2020. The couple has collaborated with tech companies and parents who have tragically lost their children due to mental health challenges linked to social media use. Their efforts aim to create solutions to such tragedies, ensuring safer online experiences for all.

The royal couple also visited The Marcy Lab School in Brooklyn as part of their World Mental Health Day activities. The school prepares teens for tech careers. This visit allowed the Duke and Duchess to converse with students about online spaces, discussing the balance between the potential for community and the risks of vulnerability.

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