
Famous Astronaut Dead at 87

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Thomas Kenneth ( “TK”) Mattingly II, the astronaut who was pivotal in bringing the imperiled Apollo 13 crew safely back to Earth, died at age 87 in Arlington, Virginia on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. 

Mattingly, a renowned figure in the annals of space exploration, is commemorated for his extensive contributions to NASA’s space program and his service as a rear admiral in the United States Navy.

Born on March 17, 1936, Mattingly’s career was marked by a combination of skill, bravery, and dedication. After joining NASA in 1966, his expertise quickly became apparent. While he is perhaps best known for the mission he didn’t fly, Apollo 13, his influence on that mission was critical. Mattingly was replaced by Jack Swigert just days before the launch due to exposure to German measles, a decision that haunted the space program when Apollo 13 faced its now-famous in-flight emergency.

On April 13, 1970, an explosion in an oxygen tank on Apollo 13 placed the astronauts’ lives at risk and initiated a highly dramatic episode, setting the stage for one of the greatest sagas in space history. 

Despite not flying, Mattingly played a vital role in the ground-based team that improvised solutions to bring the astronauts home. His work with the mission control team on using the lunar module as a lifeboat was a crucial element in the safe return of the Apollo 13 crew.

Mattingly’s contribution to space exploration did not end with Apollo 13. He was the command module pilot for Apollo 16 in 1972, successfully making 64 orbits around the moon. He conducted the second deep space extravehicular activity during the return journey to retrieve film and data packages, demonstrating his adeptness and bravery.

Following the Apollo program, Mattingly continued to break new ground as a commander of two Space Shuttle missions. In 1982, he commanded STS-4, the fourth orbital test flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia. In 1985, he led STS-51-C, the first Space Shuttle mission dedicated to the Department of Defense. His retirement from NASA and the Navy marked the end of a storied career in aeronautics and astronautics.

Throughout his career, Mattingly exemplified the attributes of a leader and a pioneer. His technical skills and calm under pressure were integral to the success of the missions he was a part of and inspired a generation of astronauts and engineers.

Mattingly’s life story is one of individual achievement and profound collaboration. His work with fellow astronauts, engineers, and mission control specialists reflects the collective effort required to push the boundaries of what is possible in space exploration.

In remembering Thomas Kenneth Mattingly II, the world honors a man whose contributions to space travel and aeronautics will long be remembered. As his family, friends, and the nation mourn his passing, his legacy continues to orbit the memories of those he inspired and the history he helped shape.

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