
Bus Driver Shot in Daylight Attack in Philadelphia

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public transit bus driver was fatally shot on Thursday, October 27, 2023, while operating his bus in broad daylight near the intersection of Germantown and Abbottsford Avenues in Philadelphia.

The city of Philadelphia was shocked by the loss of Bernard Gribbin, a 48-year-old bus driver for SEPTA and a U.S. Army veteran. Gribbin’s route on Germantown Avenue was abruptly and tragically cut short around 10:27 a.m. when he was shot multiple times.

When police arrived, they found Gribbin still in the driver’s seat of the Route 23 bus, critically wounded. Witness statements and video evidence revealed a terrifying series of events. A female shooter, Zhontay Capers, 21, was seen exiting the bus, only to return and shoot Gribbin. She then left the bus again but doubled back once more to shoot Gribbin again before fleeing.

Passengers inside the bus reacted in horror, rushing to exit the vehicle in the wake of the shooting. Nearby, another bus driver described the sounds of gunfire and the sight of passengers escaping the bus in terror.

Despite the quick efforts of emergency responders, Gribbin was pronounced dead at the hospital at 10:36 a.m. In response to the tragedy, plainclothes SEPTA police swiftly apprehended Capers, who now faces charges including murder.

The loss of Gribbin has revealed personal struggles behind the crime, with Capers’ family indicating her battle with a mental health crisis, exacerbated by her grandmother’s passing from cancer. 

Gribbin, known for his humor, intelligence, and dedication, leaves behind colleagues and a community struggling to understand this senseless act. His death has provoked a strong response from city officials, who acknowledge the risks public transit workers face. The city is united in mourning as the investigation into this tragic event continues.

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