
U.N. Forms Advisory Panel on Global AI Governance

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On Thursday, U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres, announced the formation of a 32-member advisory panel dedicated to the international governance of artificial intelligence (AI).

The panel will address the challenges, risks, and opportunities associated with AI, providing their preliminary recommendations by the close of 2023 and their final suggestions by summer 2024. These findings will be incorporated into the U.N. Summit of the Future, scheduled for September 2024.

This decision arrives at a time when the implications of AI on the global stage are becoming increasingly significant. The panel, selected for its gender balance, geographical diversity, and intergenerational representation, aims to ensure a holistic perspective on the matter. Their collective expertise, drawn from government, the private sector, academia, research community, and civil society, will inform on the nuanced challenges and possibilities of AI.

Guterres highlighted the tremendous potential that AI brings to the table. Its transformative capabilities can pave the way for remarkable progress in various sectors. From healthcare and education to climate change mitigation and economic growth, AI’s promise is vast.

However, the benefits of AI don’t come without their fair share of concerns. Guterres was vocal about the potential harms AI could inflict upon society. Among these threats are the propagation of misinformation and disinformation, deepening of biases, violations of privacy, and other breaches of human rights. The malicious use of AI, if unchecked, might lead to eroding trust in global institutions, which would further destabilize social cohesion and even imperil democracy.

One major point of contention is the disproportionate concentration of AI expertise. Currently, the power of AI predominantly resides with a select few companies and nations. Such centralization could exacerbate global inequalities and deepen digital divides, turning them into formidable chasms. Guterres expressed that to ensure the equitable growth and application of AI, there’s a pressing need for a globally coordinated approach.

The U.N.’s move to institute this panel signals its commitment to proactive governance in the AI arena. As AI technologies continue to evolve and become deeply embedded in societal frameworks, it becomes imperative to have a dedicated body addressing its multifaceted implications. This panel is poised to bridge the gaps between the existing initiatives and the emerging challenges, ensuring that the future of AI remains in sync with global well-being. The world is keenly watching, awaiting the insights and guidelines this panel will produce. With world leaders slated to attend the U.N. Summit of the Future in 2024, the panel’s recommendations could shape the future policies and directives regarding AI on a global scale.

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