
Cliffside Marriage Proposal Ends in Tragedy, Boyfriend Arrested

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Turkish police concluded a five-month investigation regarding a marriage proposal that resulted in the death of the bride-to-be.

Nizamettin Gursu, boyfriend of 39-year-old Yesim Demir, was arrested following an investigation into her death after a marriage proposal at a cliffside in Canakkale, northwestern Turkey, on July 6. The incident has been the subject of extensive scrutiny.

Demir fell about 100 feet during the proposal, which was meant to be a romantic occasion. Gursu initially reported that he had left to retrieve celebratory items from his car, and upon hearing Demir’s scream, he found she had fallen.

The police inquiry, however, uncovered discrepancies in Gursu’s account. Crucially, the engagement ring he claimed to have given Demir was found in his pocket, not on her. Additionally, evidence at the scene suggested a struggle, including damaged glasses and a speaker.

Demir’s family disputed Gursu’s version, stating that Demir intended to break up with him and would not have accepted his proposal. They also noted her fear of being close to the cliff’s edge due to panic attacks.

Demir initially survived the 104-foot fall but later died from her injuries. Gursu, who had portrayed himself as devastated, was taken into custody after Demir’s family filed a complaint.

Gursu had previously described the location as romantic and admitted to drinking alcohol before the incident. He said, “We chose it to have a romantic memory after the proposal. Everything happened at once. She lost her balance and fell down.”

This incident has drawn attention to the escalating issue of femicide in Turkey. The Monument Counter indicates an alarming trend, with at least 380 women killed by men this year, following 383 cases last year.

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