
Three Killed in Massive Hospital Blaze

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At least three elderly people lost their lives in a fire that engulfed the St. John the Evangelist hospital in Tivoli, near Rome, Italy, late Friday night, December 9, 2023. 

The fire, which started around 10:30 p.m., led to a large-scale emergency response and evacuation of close to 200 patients from the hospital.

The inferno, reported to have started in the hospital’s basement, rapidly spread to other areas, including the emergency rooms and intensive care unit, filling these departments with dense smoke. This necessitated an urgent evacuation, with patients in critical condition being transferred to other hospitals in Rome and the Lazio region via ambulances. Those in less severe condition were temporarily housed in a nearby gymnasium before being moved to other facilities.

Among the deceased, two died from smoke inhalation, and a third person died due to a heart attack. 

fourth body was found in the hospital’s mortuary; however, it was later clarified that this person had died prior to the fire’s outbreak. Autopsies have been ordered to determine the exact causes of death for the victims.

The governor of the Lazio region, Francesco Rocca, confirmed the deaths and said that an investigation is underway to find out the cause of the fire. Rocca also acknowledged significant delays in updating Italy’s aging hospitals with necessary fire safety infrastructure, such as sprinkler systems.

Eyewitness accounts described the scenes of chaos and panic as the fire rapidly spread. A 39-year-old patient reported smelling burning plastic before escaping the smoke-engaged emergency room to the basement. 

The hospital’s chaplain, Father Lorenzo, recounted the blackout and the frantic efforts to evacuate patients, some of whom had to be carried out by hand.

Commander Adriano De Acutis of the Rome Fire Department highlighted the efforts of the fire crews, who used turntable ladders to reach patients on higher floors. Despite the challenging circumstances, the operation was commended for its efficiency and rapid response. 

Located about 20 miles northeast of central Rome, Tivoli is known for its archaeological sites and attracts numerous tourists. 

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