
Two Brothers Fall Into Icy Pond, One Lost His Life

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In Burlington, Otsego County, Upstate New York, a 41-year-old ice fisherman died after falling through thin ice on Basswood Pond. The man was ice fishing with his brother when the incident occurred.

According to reports, the incident happened on January 6, 2024. The two brothers from Richfield Springs had ventured onto the pond, unaware of the thin ice, which was reported to be only one inch thick.

An individual walking their dog witnessed the occurrence and contacted emergency services without delay. Forest Ranger Nate Laymon was nearby and responded to the emergency.

Upon reaching the site, Laymon found the older brother, aged 42, battling the freezing waters. He donned a wet suit, crawled onto the ice, and used a throw bag and rope to pull the man out. By 2:55 p.m., the man was safely on solid ground and was transported via sled to the waiting Edmeston Fire Department team.

Attention then turned to the younger brother, who had vanished under the water. Laymon noticed a red, white, and black reflective coat, identified as the missing man’s due to the ‘Polaris’ brand visible on his snowmobile jacket. By 3:05 p.m., the man was discovered submerged in seven to eight feet of water. Despite resuscitation attempts by EMTs, the man was pronounced dead later that evening at a local hospital.

The operation involved the combined efforts of 20 to 30 personnel from various departments, including firefighters and state police. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) shared a video of the rescue on their social media platforms, documenting the high-stakes situation.

The event has highlighted the potential dangers of ice fishing, particularly during unstable weather conditions leading to thinning ice. In their post-incident statement, the DEC stressed the need for ice condition checks and emergency preparedness when participating in winter outdoor activities.

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