
Kennedy Family Discord – Super Bowl Ad Under Attack

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a 2024 presidential hopeful, found himself at the center of controversy following a Super Bowl LVIII advertisement aired by the American Values Super PAC. 

The TV spot, closely mimicking a 1960 campaign tune associated with Kennedy’s uncle, President John F. Kennedy, has attracted severe rebukes from relatives and ignited claims of unlawful campaign collaboration.

Kennedy, 70, is the son of Robert F. Kennedy, the former U.S. Attorney General and Senator from New York, assassinated during his 1968 presidential run, which happened five years after his brother, President JFK, was also assassinated.

The commercial, which aired during one of television’s most-watched events, encouraged voters to support the independent candidate with a jingle reminiscent of JFK’s charisma and youthful appeal. However, this nostalgic appeal was met with swift backlash from within the Kennedy family.

Bobby Shriver, Eunice Kennedy Shriver’s son, voiced his discontent on social media, remarking, “The Super Bowl advertisement featuring my cousin included images of our uncle and my mother… Her views would have opposed his harmful stance on health care.”

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. quickly responded to the controversy, apologizing for any distress the ad may have caused his family. He emphasized his non-involvement and non-endorsement of the ad, citing Federal Election Commission (FEC) regulations that prohibit direct coordination between candidates and Super PACs. 

Despite his apology, the ad has continued to generate significant attention on social media, with Kennedy’s account reposting messages of support for the “old school” and “brilliant” ad campaign.

This incident has brought to the forefront Kennedy Jr.’s divisive standing within his own family, particularly due to his controversial views on vaccines and public health. His stance has previously been denounced by family members in a public op-ed, highlighting a deep rift exacerbated by his political ambitions.

The ad’s financing, a $7 million expenditure by American Values 2024, has also raised questions about potential illegal coordination between the Super PAC and Kennedy’s campaign, leading to a complaint filed by the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The DNC alleges that the PAC’s actions, particularly its extensive ballot signature-gathering efforts, constitute an unlawful contribution to Kennedy’s campaign, challenging the integrity of campaign finance laws.

Tony Lyons, co-chair of American Values 2024, defended the advertisement and the PAC’s efforts to support Kennedy’s candidacy, arguing that it aims to challenge the status quo and address issues such as inflation, war, and chronic disease. Lyons depicted Kennedy as a fighter against corruption, drawing parallels between him and his illustrious forebears.

This controversy highlights the tangled web of family legacy, political ambition, and strict electoral regulations. It also underscores the challenges of navigating modern campaign strategies within the confines of legal and ethical standards.

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