
133 People Massacred at Concert Venue

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On Friday, March 22, 2024, a terrorist attack occurred at Crocus City Hall, on the outskirts of Moscow, Russia during a concert by the Russian band Picnic.

The assault, described by President Vladimir Putin as a “bloody, barbaric terrorist attack,” has resulted in at least 133 fatalities, with over 180 people injured, making it the most devastating act of terrorism Russia has faced in nearly two decades​​​​. Governor of the Moscow Region, Andrei Vorobyov, who assessed the scene, indicated the likelihood of the death toll increasing substantially.

Footage circulated on the internet depicts assailants within the facility firing directly at individuals. Reports from Russian media, referencing official sources and eyewitness accounts, indicate that the assailants used explosives to ignite a blaze that led to the engulfment and eventual structural collapse of the venue’s roof.

While Russian officials have yet to formally identify the perpetrators, ISIS-K, which had previously assailed the Russian embassy in Kabul, alleged their involvement in the assault.

In a national address, President Vladimir Putin assured the public that the culprits had been detained. He announced that a total of 11 individuals had been arrested in connection to the assault, which had reduced the concert location to charred debris. Declaring a National Day of Mourning for Sunday, he vowed punitive measures against all involved.

Alexander Bortnikov, chief of the Federal Security Service (FSB), briefed Putin on the detention early Saturday of four gunmen among the arrestees, with ongoing probes to pinpoint their cohorts. Identified as foreign nationals by Russia’s interior ministry, the assailants left many dead from both gunfire and subsequent smoke inhalation as the fire spread through the 6,000-capacity hall.

Distressing video evidence surfaced, capturing the terrifying moment of attendees scrambling to exits amidst continuous gunfire. A witness, choosing to remain anonymous, recounted to a media outlet the sudden outbreak of shots leading to a panic-stricken dash to safety, marked by screams and chaos.

In the wake of the attack, heightened security measures have been implemented across Moscow’s travel hubs. Mayor Sergey Sobyanin canceled all large-scale events, and cultural institutions within the metropolis, housing over 12 million residents, were temporarily closed. The security protocol was similarly escalated in other Russian localities.

According to Alexander Khinshtein, a Russian politician and journalist known for his work as a member of the State Duma, the lower house of the Federal Assembly of Russia, the assailants initially escaped in a vehicle later identified by law enforcement in the Bryansk region, roughly 211 miles from Moscow. Following a pursuit, two were detained, and two fled on foot but were subsequently captured.

Items recovered from the getaway car included a handgun, ammunition, and Tajikistan-issued passports. ISIL showcased a photo via Telegram purporting to depict the assailants, asserting the attack as part of their “war” against nations opposed to Islam. Despite ISIL’s declaration, Russian officials have yet to comment on this claim.

Analysts have suggested that ISIS-K’s global ambitions likely influenced the selection of Moscow as a target, potentially retaliating for Russia’s military involvement in Syria. The recent incident underscores the expanding ideological influence of ISIL and ISIS-K, noted for strengthening in Afghanistan and regions beyond.

In a controversial statement, President Putin implicated an attempt by the attackers to flee to Ukraine. This assertion has sparked discourse and rebuttals, particularly from Ukrainian officials dismissing such involvement. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy criticized Putin’s attempt to associate Ukraine with the tragedy as predictable diversionary tactics.

Before the attack, President Putin had dismissed Western alerts about potential threats as mere propaganda. Nevertheless, the U.S. had informed Russian authorities of intelligence regarding a possible terrorist plot in Moscow, adhering to a policy of warning of identified dangers. Russian sources acknowledged the U.S. notification but noted a lack of detailed threat specifics.

Global leaders and the United Nations Security Council have condemned the abhorrent act of terror.

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