
De Niro’s Explosive Rant Against Trump – Shocking Fallout

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Actor Robert De Niro and two Capitol Police officers took to the streets outside the New York City courthouse on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, where former President Donald Trump faced trial over hush money allegations. De Niro, a vocal critic of Trump, used the opportunity to make a bold political statement as part of President Joe Biden’s campaign.

De Niro did not hold back in his criticism of Trump, labeling him a “clown” and a danger to democracy. “I cherish this city and have no desire to see it ruined. Donald Trump, on the other hand, seeks to wreak havoc not just on the city, but on the entire country, and potentially, the world,” De Niro remarked, his words aimed at both Trump and the gathered supporters who were chanting anti-Biden slogans and hurling insults at the actor.

The atmosphere was tense as Trump supporters yelled, “Your movies suck!” and “You’re washed up!” De Niro, undeterred, continued his speech, emphasizing the importance of voting for Biden to preserve democracy.

De Niro was not alone in his efforts. He was joined by former Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former Washington, D.C., police officer Michael Fanone, both of whom were present during the January 6th insurrection at the Capitol. Their presence was a poignant reminder of the violence that day and the dangers they believe Trump still poses.

Dunn and Fanone shared their personal experiences from January 6, highlighting the physical and emotional toll of the riot. Fanone, who suffered a heart attack and a traumatic brain injury during the attack, said, “This violence was fueled by Trump’s lies about the 2020 election being stolen. We need to wake up and defeat Trump at the ballot box.”

De Niro echoed this sentiment, warning that reelecting Trump would endanger American freedoms. “We New Yorkers used to put up with him when he was just another shady real estate dealer pretending to be important,” De Niro said. “But this city is quite forgiving. We tolerate clowns, but not someone like Trump, who will ultimately ruin the country.”

In addition to his comments outside the courthouse, De Niro has lent his voice to a Biden-Harris campaign ad, emphasizing the violence and chaos associated with Trump’s presidency. “It highlights Trump’s use of violence and serves as a reminder that he will resort to it against anyone who opposes his egotism and greed,” De Niro stated. “However, it’s the violence of a coward.”

The Biden campaign’s decision to send De Niro, Dunn, and Fanone to the courthouse was strategic. According to the Associated Press, the campaign aimed to leverage the extensive media coverage of Trump’s trial to refocus the narrative on the January 6th insurrection and the broader dangers posed by Trump.

Trump’s campaign, however, dismissed the event as a political stunt. Senior adviser Jason Miller ridiculed the Biden campaign’s efforts, stating, “The best they can do is roll out a washed-up actor.” Another Trump spokesperson claimed that the Biden team was in “complete freakout mode” over Trump’s resilience in the polls despite his multiple legal challenges.

The heated exchanges and differing opinions highlight the ongoing tension and the high stakes of the upcoming election. De Niro’s passionate plea for voters to support Biden underscores both sides’ deep divisions and urgent calls for action.

As the car alarms blared and the chants continued, De Niro’s final words resonated with urgency: “The only way to preserve our freedoms and hold onto our humanity is to vote for Joe Biden for president. Really. We don’t have a choice.”

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