
Hillary Clinton Unloads on Democratic Party

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Hillary Clinton, once a fierce critic of Republican strategies, has now expressed a form of reluctant admiration for their relentless tactics. In a recent interview with the New York Times, Clinton, 76, reflected on the Democratic Party’s failures and the Republican Party’s impressive ability to regroup and persevere, particularly in the context of their offensive against Roe v. Wade.

“One thing I give the right credit for is they never give up,” Clinton remarked. “They never give up. After a setback, they rebound, reorganize, and gather more funds.”Her comments underscore a significant shift from her previous stance, where she proudly declared Republicans as her greatest adversaries during the 2016 election cycle.

Clinton criticized the Democratic Party’s lack of resolve, pointing out that Democrats often fail to match the GOP’s persistence. “Their approach is incredibly impressive. We have nothing comparable on our side,” she remarked. This acknowledgment comes amid growing frustration among Democrats about their party’s inability to effectively counter conservative efforts, particularly regarding the protection of abortion rights.

The former secretary of state and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee also reflected on her warnings about the potential overturning of Roe v. Wade. “We didn’t treat it with the seriousness it deserved and failed to recognize the threat,” Clinton acknowledged. “Most Democrats and Americans didn’t grasp that we are in a fundamental battle for the country’s future. “This complacency, she argued, contributed to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the landmark ruling, which had guaranteed federal protection for abortion rights since 1973.

The interview with Clinton was conducted before the release of an upcoming book, “The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America,” authored by Elizabeth Dias and Lisa Lerer. In the book, Clinton’s reflections on the Democratic Party’s strategic shortcomings and the GOP’s relentless efforts are prominently featured.

Clinton also revisited her 2016 presidential campaign, a period marked by intense competition between Democrats and Republicans to control the White House and the Supreme Court. She recalled how many dismissed her warnings about the risk to Roe v. Wade as alarmist. Her defeat by Donald Trump allowed him to appoint three Supreme Court justices, significantly shifting the court’s balance in favor of conservative rulings.

During the Obama administration, some Democrats had quietly urged Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg to retire while the party controlled the Senate, aiming to replace her with a like-minded justice. However, Ginsburg declined, and her eventual passing in 2020 led to the appointment of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, further solidifying the conservative majority in the court.

Clinton also addressed the impact of former FBI Director James Comey’s late-stage letter announcing the reopening of the investigation into her email server just 11 days before the 2016 election. She argued that Comey’s move cost her critical support among female voters. “But after he did that, the voters who abandoned me were women,” she reflected. “They left because they couldn’t take a risk on me, as I was expected to be perfect as a woman.”

Clinton issued a stark warning about the stakes of the upcoming 2024 election. She described it as “existential,” emphasizing the potential consequences of a wrong decision. “If we don’t make the right decision in this election in our country, we may never have another actual election,” she cautioned. Clinton warned that a small, well-organized, and well-funded minority of right-wing forces could dominate the country, rolling back progress on women’s rights and other critical issues.

Clinton’s candid remarks highlight the deep divisions within American politics and the ongoing struggle for control over key issues such as abortion rights. As the 2024 election approaches, both parties will be scrutinized for their strategies and ability to mobilize support.

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