
Fitness Fanatic Killed After Falling Off Treadmill

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A 22-year-old woman fell to her death from a third-story window at K-Gym Fitness in Pontianak, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. The incident occurred around 1 p.m. on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, while she jogged on a treadmill near an open window. The incident was caught on horrifying video footage.

The woman, identified by her initials FN, had been using the treadmill for approximately 30 minutes when she stopped to wipe her face with a towel. She lost her balance and stumbled backward, tripping over a small wall and falling off the machine towards a window approximately two feet behind the treadmill. 

While she struggled desperately to hold onto the window frame, the other fitness enthusiasts nearby remained unaware of the situation behind them and carried on with their workouts.

Despite her efforts to grasp the window frame, FN fell out of the opening, plummeting three stories to the ground below. She was immediately rushed to a nearby hospital with severe head injuries, but despite the medical team’s efforts, she could not be saved. An autopsy revealed extensive bruising and lacerations on her head.

The victim had visited the gym with her younger sibling and her boyfriend, who had suggested they work out on the second floor, but FN opted for the treadmill on the third floor. The gym usually has a personal trainer on duty to close any open windows, but none were available at the time of the incident. Additionally, a warning sticker was adhered to the window, advising gym-goers not to open the windows. The message on the sticker had become unreadable.

Pontianak Police Commissioner Antonius Trias Kuncurojati noted the treadmill’s proximity to the window and its low height, which made it easy for someone to fall through. The police are investigating the gym for alleged negligence, and its operating permit is under review. 

Head of the Pontianak City Investment and One-Stop Integrated Services Service, Mr. Hidayati, commented: “This is a place where the treadmill has its back to the glass. It is very dangerous and there is no security. If we were exercising, accidents should have been anticipated. If someone falls, there must be security so that they don’t fall straight down and die.”

Following the incident, the gym apologized to FN’s family and closed its doors for three days as a mark of respect and to allow for a thorough investigation. 

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