
Speculation About Melania Trump’s Future Plans

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With the 2024 presidential race heating up, speculation has arisen regarding the potential return of former First Lady Melania Trump to the White House. Political commentators are questioning whether, if Donald Trump wins another term, Melania would choose to be a full-time resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Instead, she might opt to spend the majority of her time away from the Washington, D.C. political scene.

An Axios report suggests that Melania Trump, according to seasoned observers, also known as “Melania-ologists,” may not be inclined to fully resume her East Wing duties. They propose a more probable scenario: Mrs. Trump splitting her time between Palm Beach, Florida and New York, where her son, Barron, is rumored to be starting college in the fall. The report suggests she would only be present at the White House for ceremonial events like state dinners or other special occasions.

“She’s distancing herself even more from her husband and the Washington social-political scene. I mean, she clearly hated being in Washington,” stated Kate Anderson Brower, author of “First Women,” to Axios. This view is supported by Mary Jordan, author of “The Art of Her Deal,” a biography on Melania Trump, who noted, “Melania does what Melania wants.”

Historically, Melania Trump could join a small group of past first ladies who did not reside in the White House for the majority of their husbands’ terms. For instance, Anna Harrison was preparing to join President William Henry Harrison in Washington, D.C., but he passed away a month into his term. Bess Truman resided at Blair House during White House renovations during President Harry Truman’s term. Unlike these ladies, Melania Trump’s decision would be voluntary, reflecting her desire for a life outside of Washington, D.C.

A 2018 Washington Post report on the Trumps’ White House lifestyle revealed that they had “remarkably separate routines” and slept in different bedrooms. Despite rumors of Melania residing with her parents and Barron in a different Washington, D.C. home, her team dismissed these claims as “100% false.”

According to Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former aide to Melania, the former FLOTUS will never part from her husband but may become less visible due to his legal issues. “She’s going to keep her head low. She’s going only to do what she wants to do. She and Donald, I do not believe, are ever, ever going to part ways,” Wolkoff stated.

Should Melania Trump decide to maintain a limited presence in Washington, her approach to the first lady role would significantly differ from her predecessors. Conventionally, first ladies have engaged with the public elements of the role, launching various initiatives and serving as a visible supporting figure for the president. Melania has consistently shown a more private and reserved approach, focusing on a few campaigns like her “Be Best” initiative to support child well-being and combat cyberbullying.

There is also speculation about Melania Trump re-launching her “Be Best” campaign. The initiative faced criticism for its limited impact during her first term as the first lady, but if revived, it could potentially be bolstered by a more substantial and qualified team to support her efforts.

The future of Melania Trump’s role in a potential second Trump administration remains uncertain. The possibility of her commuting between Florida and New York, instead of fully residing in the White House, indicates a desire to maintain distance from the political limelight and her husband. Her occasional presence in Washington, D.C., limited to ceremonial occasions, would be a significant departure from the traditional involvement of a first lady in the White House.

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