
Democrats Reveal Bombshell Plan to Oust Biden

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In a move that could reshape the Democratic landscape, two influential operatives are circulating a memo proposing a “blitz primary” to replace President Joe Biden before the party’s convention in August. Georgetown University law Professor Rosa Brooks and venture capitalist Ted Dintersmith authored the memo, which was distributed to party contributors, executive branch officials, and Biden’s campaign staff.

The memo, first reported by Semafor, lays out a detailed plan to initiate an open primary if President Biden agrees to withdraw from his re-election bid. “We can limp to shameful, avoidable democracy-ending defeat. Or Democrats can make this Our Finest Hour,” the memo declares.

The urgency of the memo reflects growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden’s age and recent debate performance against GOP contender Donald Trump. At 81, Biden’s cognitive acuity has been a topic of debate, further exacerbated by his recent interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos. Biden remarked, “If the Lord Almighty came down and said, ‘Joe, get out of the race,’ I’d get out of the race.” The memo counters this sentiment, stating, “We need to act. Now.”

The proposed plan calls for Biden to abandon his re-election efforts by mid-July, followed by Vice President Kamala Harris agreeing to an open primary contest decided by Democratic Party delegates. The six candidates with the most delegate votes would advance to a campaigning period focused on positive pitches for their potential presidential run. Cultural icons like Oprah Winfrey, Taylor Swift, and Michelle Obama are suggested as moderators for candidate forums leading up to the Democratic National Convention on August 19, 2024, in Chicago, Illinois.

Dintersmith emphasized the need for an immediate and uplifting response to the current political climate. “Amid malaise and crisis, we can forge an uplifting path,” he noted.

The memo suggests that Biden would be honored as a “modern-day George Washington” for stepping aside gracefully, with former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton joining him on stage alongside the new nominee.

Despite the detailed plan, Biden has shown no indication of stepping down. In a recent campaign rally in Wisconsin, he addressed his debate performance: “I’m not letting one 90-minute debate wipe out three and a half years of work. I’m staying in the race and will beat Donald Trump.”

Rosa Brooks, who has served in the Obama and Clinton administrations and was a policy adviser for Biden’s 2020 campaign, and Ted Dintersmith, a significant donor to Democratic causes, hope the memo will rally support within the party. Dintersmith has notably contributed $65,000 to Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer’s Fight Like Hell PAC and another PAC supporting Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear, both potential replacements for Biden.

The memo’s success hinges on Biden’s willingness to step down and Harris’s support for an open primary. The proposal includes ranked-choice voting by delegates to determine the Democratic presidential nominee, whose name would be announced on the convention’s third day.

A Biden campaign spokesperson redirected inquiries about the memo to Biden’s recent statements, reiterating his commitment to staying in the race. Brooks and Dintersmith have yet to respond to requests for comment.

The Democratic Party is struggling with internal pressures and the external challenge posed by a potential rematch against Trump. As the memo circulates and discussions continue, the party’s path forward remains uncertain, with Biden’s steadfastness and the memo’s bold proposals at the center of the debate.

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