
Hollywood Star Urges Biden To Drop Out

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In a stunning pivot, renowned actor and lifelong Democrat George Clooney has publicly called for President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race. Clooney expressed his concerns in a New York Times opinion piece, stating that Biden is no longer the best candidate to lead the Democratic Party to victory in the upcoming election.

Clooney, a significant supporter and fundraiser for Biden, recently headlined a fundraiser that brought in a record $30 million for Biden’s reelection campaign. Despite this recent show of support, Clooney emphasized his admiration for the president but pointed out that Biden’s recent performances have raised doubts about his ability to serve another term. “This isn’t only my opinion; this is the opinion of every senator and congress member and governor that I’ve spoken with in private,” Clooney wrote in his op-ed.

The actor’s comments come after a debate where Biden’s performance was widely criticized. According to Clooney, the debate highlighted Biden’s struggle with unscripted moments, which he argues could jeopardize the Democrats’ chances in the presidential race and in retaining control of Congress. “The Joe Biden we saw on that debate stage is not the same man who served as Vice President or even ran in 2020,” Clooney added.

The call for Biden to step aside is not an isolated one. Growing concerns within the Democratic Party about Biden’s viability as a candidate have led to a chorus of voices urging a change. In recent weeks, several House Democrats, including Representatives Jim Himes, Scott Peters, and Eric Sorensen, have been echoing Clooney’s sentiments. They argue that the stakes of the 2024 election are too high to risk with a candidate they perceive as weak.

“The 2024 election is crucial for the future of American democracy. We need the strongest possible candidate to confront the threat posed by Trump’s authoritarianism,” said Rep. Himes in a recent press conference.

Despite the mounting pressure, Biden remains resolute in his decision to run for re-election. In a recent rally in Detroit, Biden addressed the issue head-on, stating, “It’s not gonna happen. If the party wants someone else, they must choose that at the convention.” His campaign has also pointed to his detailed assessments of global issues during the same news conference as evidence of his enduring capabilities and experience.

However, the internal debate within the Democratic Party continues to grow. According to a media report, 17 congressional Democrats have called for Biden to step aside, citing his age and low public approval ratings. “The performance was the worst of all worlds – not good, but not bad enough to make him change his mind,” a senior campaign official commented.

Clooney’s op-ed has added a high-profile voice to the ongoing conversation, and his call for a new nominee at the upcoming Democratic convention has gained significant attention. Clooney acknowledges that the process would be “messy” but believes it would ultimately “wake up” voters in favor of the party. “Democrats are terrified of a second Trump term and are ignoring every warning sign about Biden’s fitness for office,” Clooney wrote, urging the party to confront the reality of the situation.

The debate within the party is far from over, with influential figures like Senator Bernie Sanders standing firmly by Biden, leaving the Democratic Party at a crossroads. As Biden prepares for more public appearances and outreach efforts to address these concerns, his candidacy remains a contentious issue that could shape the future of the 2024 election.

For now, Biden’s campaign strategy focuses on securing the critical “blue wall” states of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan as the clearest path to victory. Whether this strategy will be enough to quell the growing doubts within his party and among voters remains to be seen.

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