In Montecito, California, Meghan Markle is embarking on a new chapter in her career with an upcoming lifestyle show for Netflix, scheduled to debut in early 2025. The show is closely tied to her lifestyle brand, American Riviera Orchard, reflecting the Santa Barbara region’s Mediterranean charm and food culture. This venture marks Markle’s entry into lifestyle content, drawing comparisons to figures like Martha Stewart.
Filming for the untitled show occurred at an estate owned by affluent neighbors Tom and Sherrie Cipolla, not at Markle’s Montecito home. According to Page Six, the production showcases cooking and lifestyle topics, with Prince Harry rumored to make cameo appearances, though his role remains unconfirmed.
The American Riviera Orchard brand plans to offer a diverse product lineup, from jams and spreads to skincare and pet products. Despite launching its Instagram account and website in March 2024, the brand has yet to announce an official product launch date. Trademark filings suggest various offerings, including cookbooks, tableware, and home decor, to capture Meghan’s interests in family, cooking, and entertaining.
Markle has been actively promoting her brand through various strategic appearances and partnerships. She recently attended the G9 Ventures Summit in the Hamptons, connecting with influential figures like Katie Couric and Bobbi Brown. This event highlighted her efforts to blend style and business acumen into American Riviera Orchard.
In line with her promotional strategy, Markle has distributed 50 jars of homemade strawberry jam to friends and industry contacts, including Kris Jenner and Mindy Kaling. The jam, a teaser for the brand, came in jars labeled with handwritten batch numbers, presented in bowls with lemons and flowers. This personal touch emphasizes Markle’s hands-on approach to branding.
Markle’s previous lifestyle blog, The Tig, laid the foundation for her venture. As she navigates brand development, her experience in lifestyle content shines through. The brand’s name pays homage to her Montecito home, a region known for its American Riviera appeal.
While local farmers have not been approached for collaborations, the brand’s focus on quality and narrative control is evident. As anticipation builds for the Netflix show’s release, Markle’s entry into the lifestyle industry is expected to make a significant impact.