
Hillary Clinton Speaks Out About Melania Trump

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In her new book, “Something Lost, Something Gained,” Hillary Clinton provides a detailed account of her first face-to-face interaction with Melania Trump after the 2016 election. 

The meeting took place in November 2023 at the memorial service in Atlanta, Georgia, for former first lady Rosalynn Carter. Clinton, alongside former First Ladies Michelle Obama and Jill Biden, encountered Melania in what Clinton described as an “awkward” moment, given Donald Trump’s history of insults directed at the families of the women present.

Clinton remembers the scene with vivid imagery, describing Melania as having “a look on her face — very smiley but uncertain — that reminded me of the little kid at the birthday party who doesn’t know anyone and is waiting at the edge of the circle, hoping people are going to be nice.”

Despite the tension, the former first ladies approached Melania. Clinton writes that while Jill Biden air-kissed Melania’s cheek, Michelle Obama gave her a big hug, showcasing a moment of civility and unity amid a delicate situation.

The book also delves into the history of Clinton’s interactions with Melania. According to Clinton, their first meeting occurred at Donald and Melania Trump’s wedding in 2005. Clinton attended the event out of curiosity and recalled that Melania was “young, very beautiful, and very tall” but largely avoided conversation on her wedding day. This early encounter and later meetings set the tone for Clinton’s “conflicted” feelings toward Melania, which she explores further in her book.

A central theme of Clinton’s reflection on Melania is her struggle to reconcile Melania’s public persona with her husband’s controversial behavior. While Clinton acknowledges that she has “never believed that a wife bears responsibility for her husband’s actions,” she admits to wondering whether Melania “aided and abetted her husband’s worst instincts” or if she was complicit in Donald Trump’s more divisive rhetoric and policies.

One particularly noteworthy instance of criticism directed at Melania was her choice of attire during Rosalynn Carter’s memorial service. Melania wore a gray suit instead of the expected black, which many saw as inappropriate for a funeral. However, Clinton defended Melania, explaining that the old custom of wearing black at funerals isn’t as common today. 

She also pointed out that Rosalynn’s grandson, Jason Carter, wore a gray suit during his tribute, and President Joe Biden wore blue. Clinton said that it was unfair for Melania to be criticized over something so minor, especially since none of the men were scrutinized for their clothing, showing a double standard often faced by women.

The book also focuses on the challenges of public life, especially for women in prominent positions, and gives insight into the complex relationships in politics. You can purchase the book directly through Simon and Schuster or at your local or digital bookstore.

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