
Horrifying Video Shows Tourist Killed By Statue

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A 30-year-old tourist from Padua, Italy was fatally injured after a statue fell from a building in Naples, hitting her directly in the head on Sunday, September 16. 

Chiara Jaconis, a manager for Prada, was walking with her boyfriend, Livio Rousseau, through the historic Quartieri Spagnoli (Spanish Districts) when the tragic event occurred. The couple had been making their way to the airport, ready to return home after their sightseeing trip, when the accident happened.

Shocking surveillance footage captured the moment the statue fell, showing Jaconis and Rousseau walking slowly down the street, pulling their luggage. Without warning, the statue toppled from above, striking Jaconis, who instantly collapsed to the ground. Her boyfriend was seen in the video rushing to her side and crying out in shock, “Chiara! Chiara!” Bystanders nearby attempted to help as emergency services were called.

Jaconis was rushed to the Ospedale del Mare in Naples for treatment. Despite medical efforts, she succumbed to her injuries two days later. She had suffered severe traumatic brain injuries from the impact.

Initial investigations into the incident have taken a surprising turn. Local prosecutors in Naples are now considering the possibility that the statue was not simply dislodged accidentally. A family residing in the building where the statue fell is under investigation after it was alleged that one of their two children may have thrown the statue from a balcony. Manslaughter and negligence charges are being considered against the parents, who were at the residence at the time. 

The couple, who have consistently claimed that the fallen object does not belong to them, have two children, and it is suspected that one of the kids dropped the statue.

The statue broke apart on the balcony below, where several fragments were discovered and taken in. The balcony also displayed evidence of the impact. Additional pieces were located and gathered on the street near the spot where Jaconis fell.

The tragic accident has left many shocked and devastated, especially in Jaconis’ hometown of Padua and within the fashion community, where she had built a successful career. Jaconis had been working for Prada, overseeing several stores in France and Monaco, and was highly regarded by her colleagues.

Meanwhile, authorities continue to investigate whether proper safety measures were in place in the building from which the statue fell. Local police are working with the Naples Prosecutor’s Office to determine whether negligence might have played a role in Jaconis’ death.

Jaconis and Rousseau had been celebrating her 30th birthday with one last tour of the historic city before heading back to Padua. They had explored the famous Spanish Districts of Naples, an area known for its narrow, cobblestone streets and historic architecture. The couple had enjoyed their time together until this freak accident tragically cut their journey short are combing through video evidence and eyewitness testimonies to piece together how such a deadly accident occurred and whether this could have been prevented.

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