
White House Press Secy Shocks Fox Reporter

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White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre delivered a witty response to Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy after he questioned Vice President Kamala Harris’ alleged use of a Southern accent during recent speeches. The exchange came just a day after Jean-Pierre dismissed a similar inquiry from Doocy as “insane.”

On Tuesday, September 3, Doocy asked Jean-Pierre about Harris’ speaking style, suggesting the Vice President had adopted a Southern accent during campaign events. Jean-Pierre firmly rejected the question, stating, “I’m not even going to entertain some question about… it’s just, hearing it sounds so ridiculous.” 

The press secretary emphasized that Americans are more concerned with substantive issues like the economy, healthcare, and lowering costs, rather than the nuances of the Vice President’s speech patterns.

However, the topic resurfaced the following day when Doocy approached Jean-Pierre with a different question. He inquired, “President Biden’s approval rating is soaring, it’s up 13 percent all the way to 48 percent—does it bother the president that people are so pleased that he’s retiring?”

In a moment of quick-witted repartee, Jean-Pierre responded by asking Doocy, “Am I hearing a little twang in your voice, Peter?” This clever turnaround elicited laughter from those present in the briefing room. Doocy, seemingly caught off-guard, replied, “I know better, I know better.”

The exchange highlighted the ongoing tension between the White House and certain media outlets, particularly Fox News, which has been known for its critical coverage of the Biden administration.

The controversy surrounding Harris’ accent began after her Labor Day visit to Detroit, Michigan. Some conservative commentators and social media users claimed to notice a change in her speech pattern, labeling it as “cringe and fake.” The Trump campaign attempted to amplify these perceived differences by sharing side-by-side clips of Harris speaking at rallies in Detroit and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

However, many defenders of the Vice President pointed out that the variations in her speech could be attributed to code-switching, a common practice among Black individuals and other minority groups. Code-switching involves adjusting one’s language and expression depending on the environment and audience.

This is not the first time Harris has faced scrutiny over her speaking style. In the past, she has been accused of altering her accent in different settings, such as using a perceived Southern accent during a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, and even adopting what some called a “French accent” while touring a COVID-19 lab in France.

Jean-Pierre’s handling of the situation demonstrates the White House’s strategy in dealing with what they consider to be trivial or distracting questions. By refusing to engage with the initial inquiry and then turning the tables on the reporter, the press secretary effectively shifted the focus away from the accent issue.

As the 2024 presidential campaign season heats up, it’s likely that scrutiny of both the President and Vice President will intensify. The Biden administration appears poised to counter what they perceive as frivolous criticisms while emphasizing their policy achievements and improved approval ratings.

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