Trump Slams Maher Over Election Prediction

Former President Donald Trump took aim at comedian Bill Maher on Sunday, September 29, calling the HBO host “obnoxious and disgusting” after Maher predicted that Trump would lose the 2024 presidential election.

In a post on his social media platform Truth Social, Trump lashed out at Maher, criticizing his show and urging Fox News not to feature the comedian in any future broadcasts.

“I seldom watch Low Rated Bill Maher, but when I do, I marvel at the fake laughter on the show. It sounds like a bad ‘Laugh Machine’,” Trump wrote, adding that the laughter was “so obnoxious and disgusting, just like him.” He further suggested that Maher’s frequent appearance on Fox News was a mistake, arguing that “real Republicans hate it when Fox puts Crazy Bill on” and that the network should “GET SMART” about who they feature.

The latest clash between the two figures comes after Maher confidently predicted on Friday that Trump is “definitely going to lose” in the upcoming presidential election. During a panel discussion on his HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher, Maher told his guests that he’s not concerned about Trump securing another term in the White House. “No, not at all,” Maher said when asked if he was worried, adding, “He’s definitely going to lose. You just feel it.”

Maher’s panel featured writer Fran Lebowitz, political consultant Ian Bremmer, and Israeli historian Yuval Noah Harari, who all discussed the potential consequences of a Trump presidency. Bremmer pushed back on Maher’s confidence, warning that it was too early to know if the country would “repeat that mistake” by electing Trump again. Despite this, Maher stood firm, asserting that his prediction was grounded in the political landscape he observed.

“I’ve already put my marker down on that,” Maher said, expressing his belief that Trump’s chances of winning were slim. However, Maher did acknowledge that the race would likely remain close until Election Day, with the polls reflecting a tight competition.

Trump’s response to Maher’s comments was swift and pointed. He accused the comedian of suffering from “TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME,” a term Trump often uses to describe his critics. “Maher’s show is increasingly boring,” Trump wrote, claiming that Maher is having a “hard time coping” with his political relevance. Trump has long been critical of Maher, who has made the former president a frequent target of his jokes and political commentary.

The former president’s comments come at a time when the relationship between Trump and certain conservative media outlets, including Fox News, has become increasingly strained. Trump has often expressed frustration with the network’s coverage, accusing it of not being loyal enough to his political agenda.

Maher, a vocal critic of both Trump and the broader Republican Party, has often expressed concerns about the state of American democracy. While he is confident in his prediction that Trump will lose, he remains skeptical of the political climate, warning that “you never know” when it comes to American politics.

As the 2024 election approaches, tensions between Trump and his critics, including Maher, continue to escalate. Maher’s prediction that Trump is “definitely going to lose” reflects a broader sentiment among some political analysts who believe the former president’s chances of reclaiming the presidency are weakening.

However, Trump’s base remains loyal, and his campaign has continued to raise significant funds. Despite Maher’s dismissal of Trump’s chances, the former president remains a leading figure in the Republican Party, with polls showing a competitive race against Vice President Kamala Harris.

As Trump continues to fire back at his critics, including media personalities like Maher, it remains to be seen whether the former president’s strategy will resonate with voters or if Maher’s prediction will prove accurate. One thing is certain—both Trump and Maher are prepared for the final stretch of the election, with neither showing any signs of backing down.

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