At the beginning of April, an employee vote at an Amazon warehouse in Staten Island, New York, established the first Amazon union, with the efforts of Chris Smalls, president...
In a year marked by personal health battles and public scrutiny, Princess Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales, has been nominated for TIME magazine's...
On December 9, 2023, a shocking murder-suicide took place in a DeKalb County, Georgia apartment, claiming the lives of five individuals, including two young...
A 22-year-old Brazilian futsal player fell from a 25-story building while recording social media content in Balneario Camboriu, Santa Catarina, Brazil.
The incident occurred on...
Yale University philosophy professor Jason Stanley sparked controversy during a Sunday, December 8, 2024 appearance on MSNBC's "Ayman," where he likened President-elect Donald Trump's...
In the early hours of Friday, December 6, 2024, a catastrophic head-on collision on Interstate 55 near Daniel Lake Boulevard in Jackson, Mississippi claimed...